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Japan is considered to be exemplary in the world for polite lifestyle. Healthy behavior, healthy social life and healthy lifestyle are their characteristics. Behind this, their family culture, behavior towards children is also the same.

There is an opinion that parents should take care of children. Even for children of school age, parents have to play with them during the holidays. Taking them to the park, taking them to social work, gatherings are done to make them mingle socially.

If the parents are free or stay at home, they cannot keep their children in the day care center. Children should be taken care of at home. Even at home, parents have to teach their children about family customs, eating and living in a friendly manner. Also, enough environment is created for playing and having fun.

Especially they are made to do their own work. They are taught to do housework from a young age. So they are skilled and aware to work. There, children are encouraged to be polite, courteous, polite and sociable.

How many parents are working? If they can’t look after their children, they put them in a day care center. This is not like school. Children can play and have fun there.

A disciplined lifestyle

Children are taught how to eat, how to sit, how to play. But the difference between Japan and other places is that they teach all these things in a disciplined manner. Whatever you do, you are encouraged to do it in a disciplined manner.

Toys also help the child's emotional and physical development. In Japan, some people may not have toys at home, in such a situation, they can go to the day care center twice a week and play with toys. At this time, both mother and child can go there and play.

Children are fed nutritious and balanced food at home. The school itself gives certain calories to the children of school going age.

Lessons of life

In Japan, you are taught to respect your elders. They are taught to welcome visitors or guests. We are encouraged to be grateful to someone and we are taught the lesson that we should not hurt anyone.

They are included in various sports clubs. There they play and make friends.

What do we learn?

In Japan, the behavior towards children, the manners taught to them are very exemplary. They give more importance to practical knowledge. Instead of making children pass in school, an environment is created to acquire knowledge and skills.

The special thing to be learned from them is that children are taught to work and work hard. They usually believe that they should be able to do everything themselves, they don't depend on others.

A vital thing

In Japan's school system, other life skills and disciplines are also taught, which is not seen in any other system in the world. Japan's system is different because moral education should also be emphasized.

Infants from 3 months to 6 years of age attend primary school (day care or kindergarten). At that time, they are taught to play different games, teach music, make them dance, cross the road and walk on the sidewalk. Similarly, things like how to avoid natural disasters, how to speak or face when talking to strangers are also taught. After the age of four, they start learning to recognize common letters. Meals are also provided at the day care. During this period, the fee is charged according to the income of the family.

As soon as six years old, the city office determines that the child is eligible for elementary school. The parents are informed that this place near home is suitable and according to their advice they are admitted to the school near home. The school does not take admission even if it is only one day less than the age of 6 years.

What is the arrangement for teaching children after day care?

After day care, grades 1 to 6 are enrolled in elementary school. Even if it is only one day less than the age of 6, admission to elementary school is not taken. In the 6th grade, the grade level is increased according to the age of the child without giving an exam. By the 7th grade, they have learned all the extracurricular activities. There is a one-hour hygiene class. During that period, cleaning the ladder, wiping the table, cleaning the floor, and cleaning the dishes they ate from class 1 to class 6 are assigned one by one. So that the children of the younger class can learn from the students. It develops a sense of helping and maintaining harmony in them.

Up to 6th grade only useful life skills are taught and made to study. For example, how to plant a plant, how to work is taught before teaching, which they can remember for life. Students who went to class 1 at 8 am will return at 1 pm, when they reach class 2 at 2 pm, the period is gradually increased. So that the late stay period and the burden in school are experienced.

After the completion of the elementary school period, the junior high school, which teaches grades 1 to 3, begins, in which the curriculum also begins. In which subjects like social science, mathematics and English are taught like in Nepal. All subjects except English are taught in Japanese. There is no compulsion in education. They are given permission to study as long as they want and focus on the future. Those who are weak in studies are allowed to do whatever they are interested in. Then the journey of higher education begins.

(Sapana Kharel, who lived in Japan for a long time, also worked as a teacher there. Currently, she is the director of Kathmandu Prajna Kunja School.)





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